Year Round Insect Foundation Treatments

Eliminating insects in the home can be challenging and expensive. Pest control foundation treatments are a preventive measure to keep bugs out altogether. Choose Mosquito Mike for an insect spray foundation treatment that works. Our trained technicians use proven methods and products to give homeowners the protection they deserve. Our sprays are safe for use around people and pets but devastating to more than 30 kinds of bugs commonly found in homes. Contact us today for one simple solution to keep bugs out.

What Are Pest Control Foundation Treatments?

Pest control foundation treatments are a preventive service that keeps many kinds of bugs from entering the house from the bottom. A professional spray is applied that creates a protective barrier against invading insects.

What Kind of Bugs Will Foundation Treatment Keep Out?

Our bug-killer foundation treatment is a cost-efficient way to do pest control. One spray is highly effective at repelling many kinds of bugs. In addition to ants, spiders, earwigs, and beetles, our treatment will keep out:

  • Bluegrass Billbug (adult)
  • Black Turfgrass Ataenius (adult)
  • Chiggers Chinch Bugs White Grubs (including Japanese beetle, European chafer, Southern chafer)
  • Dung Beetle Hyperodes Weevils (adult)
  • European Crane Flies Mole Crickets (nymphs and young adults)
  • Ants (excluding fire, pharaoh, harvester, and carpenter ants)
  • Armyworms
  • Cockroaches
  • Crickets
  • Cutworms
  • Earwigs
  • Ladybeetles
  • Millipedes
  • Palmetto Bugs
  • Sowbugs
  • Mites
  • Spittlebugs
  • Waterbugs
  • Kudzu Bugs
  • Pillbugs
  • Spiders
  • Centipedes

Please note that our treatment does not cover wood-boring insects like termites or carpenter ants.

Why Are Foundations a Good Place To Start for Pest Control?

Homeowners can spend a lot of money and effort exterminating one type of bug just to be invaded by another. Different seasons and weather conditions can make your home a prime vacation spot for various critters throughout the year. A bug-killer foundation treatment skips the hassles of keeping up with Mother Nature and discourages most creepy crawlers from moving in altogether.

This treatment option also has the benefit of targeting the most likely point of entry. Most insects move through the soil or lay their eggs there, giving them direct access to the cracks and crevices between the foundation. A lot of the things that you love about being at home, and more, are irresistible invitations to unwanted pests, including:

  • Warm-Blooded Hosts: Some biting pests will want to feed on you and your pets.
  • Vegetation: Plants inside a house or up against it may be sources of food and habitation.
  • Standing Water: During drought years or dry spells, water in sinks, tubs, toilets, or floors is highly desirable for many insects.
  • Carbon Dioxide: Some biting pests are drawn to carbon dioxide exhaled by humans and animals.
  • Food: You may be sharing any groceries with uninvited roommates.

How Are Pest Control Foundation Treatments Performed?

The great news about pest control foundation treatments is that they are minimally disruptive to homes and families. The process is relatively quick when performed by an experienced eye and knowledgeable hand.

Our technicians use a hand pump sprayer to deliver potent chemicals underneath the siding where the house meets the foundation. The technician will also hit any cracks and crevices to disrupt the most accessible entry paths.

The best foundation treatment begins with an assessment. We'll uncover any apparent signs of infestations or activity and deliver sufficient attention in those areas. The technician may offer tips for deterrence that you can perform to aid in the effectiveness of our sprays, such as caulking any holes or gaps.

What Chemicals Are Used?

Our sprays incorporate chemicals that are effective on a wide variety of bugs but safe for use around people and pets. Bifenthrin is a standard chemical in professional pest control that works great and has a long residual. We also have sprays with natural ingredients that can deliver some deterrence. We'd be happy to discuss our chemicals with you to provide peace of mind and confidence in our services.

How Often Should Foundations Be Treated?

Our insecticides' long residual means one treatment will provide up to 90 days of protection. However, certain weather conditions could reduce their longevity. We highly recommend signing up for our packaged services so we can provide you with adequate protection throughout the year.

One-Time Treatment: A one-time service call provides immediate defense against bugs and typically lasts for three months. You'll notice excellent results, but the potency will eventually wane.


Year-Round Protection Program: The best choice is to sign up for our year-round protection program. This plan will safeguard your residence in winter, spring, summer, and fall, ensuring pests aren't attracted inside or driven in by the weather. These administered throughout the year will keep most bugs out for good.

Are Spray Foundation Treatments Safe For My Family?

We understand homeowners are primarily concerned about safety when seeking professional pest control. When choosing Mosquito Mike to perform an insect foundation treatment, you don't have to worry about trading one danger for another. We'll effectively prevent many common bugs from moving in, including many that bite and transmit diseases. We can also assure you that our insecticides are safe for you and your loved ones when used appropriately.

Our sprays only need about an hour to dry before surfaces are safe to touch. One of the best parts of this popular service option is it's applied to the home's exterior, keeping chemicals outside. We'll take the time to explain what we're using and how it works, but you can rest assured that it's only dangerous for bugs and not your family.

Why Choose Mosquito Mike?

We love helping families feel safe and comfortable in their homes. Insect foundation treatments are a preventive measure that doesn't require invasive home calls. We can spray the foundation and the residence's exterior whether you're present or away. The most significant source of pride we feel is in delivering an effective means of keeping out pests that spread illness or hurt your loved ones.

Choose Mosquito Mike for a foundation treatment you can depend on. Our trained technicians go further than others by taking the time to explain the process and ease your safety concerns. We also value any input on how we can provide the best customer service possible. Find out why so many of your neighbors trust us to make them feel at peace in their homes by scheduling a visit today.

Call Now for a Consultation and Estimate

The best foundation treatment keeps out a wide variety of bugs and the harm they can cause. Our fast and convenient process provides a strong barrier that stops insects from entering through the foundation.

Our experience and knowledge will help you feel secure in your home and get back to enjoying your property like you deserve. We'll go above and beyond to show you we care and value your business. Whether by explaining the process or offering additional tips to keep your home bug-free, we want to be known for an approach that puts our clients first.

Whether they fly, crawl, creep, swim, burrow, or bite, all insects are best when kept out of your home. You don't have to put up with them invading your space and making life less enjoyable. Choose Mosquito Mike for an effective preventive solution. Contact us today at (844)750-6453 for a one-time treatment or year-round protection.